It’s no longer climate change, it’s climate crisis. Our home is on fire. Each one of us needs to take action now.
Inner Transformation
“My Name Is _______, and I Am a Racist.”
This is my all-time favorite protest sign. Treat racism like COVID-19. Assume you have it. Change your behavior & don’t spread the disease. “Assume you have the disease and don’t […]
Living in Transformative Times
Here we are in the midst of what Transition Town Media has been preparing for since 2009, although not for the reasons we anticipated. We were preparing for climate change, resource […]
Collective Resilience
Reflections on what we can learn from COVID-19, by Sari Steuber These are difficult times for many of us. Our hearts go out to those who have been stricken with […]
What is “Inner Transition”?
Do you remember a moment when you were so moved that you were at a loss for words? Please take a moment and be with that ‘you.’ That ‘you’ and […]
100 Ways to Reverse Global Warming
Is it possible to reverse global warming? Yes! We have plenty of solutions—we just need to implement them. Watch this video and learn how. It’s a Ted Talk describing 100 ways that […]