Here we are in the midst of what Transition Town Media has been preparing for since 2009, although not for the reasons we anticipated. We were preparing for climate change, resource depletion and economic instability. Instead, we were blindsided by a global pandemic, racial justice protests that included excessive force from law inforcement on peaceful demonstrators, and a dysfunctional federal government—all occurring simultaneously.
Our mission from the beginning has been to help our community become more resilient and prepare for future challenges. Our work has taken the form of strengthening community, supporting local businesses, offering local small business loans, living more locally, offering advice on reducing carbon footprint, encouraging food, water, and air quality conservation, finding ways to enjoy and utilize the resources and commons we share, opening a Free Store, teaching composting, veggie gardening and reskilling practices, offering support for lifestyle changes and more. Hopefully, what we managed to achieve since 2009 will help people cope during these challenging times.

I see signs throughout our country of people realizing business as usual is not working. There is a desire to build a better future free of discrimination, consumerism and wealth inequality. There is increasing awareness of our climate crisis and the will to address it. We want a government that works for all of us. We want a simpler and less stressful way of life.
We are living in challenging times. What we have endured as a nation and a local community these past few months can lead to post traumatic stress syndrome, a sense of loss, and deep grief. Now is the time for serious self-care and staying connected with others. Although what we are currently witnessing in our country is painfully heartbreaking, we can see this time as allowing a wider opening of our hearts and the longing for a major change of course. Each one of us has a role to play in creating a better future. Let’s go forward together. We can do it.

Great Blog, Marion!- it is simultaneously thorough and succinct! You cover the main points TT and society were working on, the dangers, what needs to be done, and the surprises. You encourage us to move forward with no roadmap to forge new systems and ways of being inclusive. If anyone or group can emerge as leaders, it is the TT community because you have put the supports and networks in place over the years. Many thanks to all of you who have worked so hard and thank to the leaders who had the foresight to start TT. Blessings to all and be well. ( from a new member.)
Thank you so much, Lee! I’m so grateful for all the people who made TTM what is is today.
I find it distressing that you refer to the Black Lives Matter protests as “race riots”. Words have meaning, and these are not the words I would expect from TTM.
Thank you for pointing that out, Andrea. I thought the same thing and planned to change it, but didn’t get back to do it. You will find it changed now.