How Important is Your Native Plant Garden? Very! Your native plants could mean the difference between life or death to birds, pollinators, and other insects—not to mention everything else further up the food chain.
Bet You Didn’t Know This
Bet you didn’t know this: gas powered landscaping equipment— lawn mowers, leaf blowers, trimmers, chain saws, and edgers—contribute to climate crisis, poor air quality, and insect decline.
It’s Time to Stop the Madness
It’s time to stop the madness. Fossil fuel industries have taken profit over people and planet to new heights, as they work aggressively to stop any progress on mitigating climate crisis.
Invasive Plants Destroy Ecosystems
Are you aware that invasive plants destroy the ecosystems we are trying to protect by planting natives? Invasive trees, shrubs, vines, grasses and flowers crowd out forest ecosystems, out-compete natives, take over native plant habitats, and inhibit native plants from growing.
The High Cost of Wasted Food
Are you aware of the high cost of food waste? In 2021, $310 billion (not a type-o) was spent on food that was wasted, most of which ended up in a landfill. But the cost of food waste is not the only consideration. Food waste also contributes to climate crisis. When food waste is dumped in landfills, it releases methane gas into the atmosphere, which is 80 times more harmful than CO2.
The Regeneration Handbook:
Presentation & Book Signing
In the face of mounting environmental, economic, and social crises, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the status quo is no longer an option and […]