Are you aware of biodiversity’s extraordinary power to affect climate crisis? Do you know that biodiversity is essential for mitigating climate crisis?
Protecting Biodiversity
Why is Rights of Nature Law Necessary?
Why is Rights of Nature Law Necessary? Because it is critically important to speak for and protect all of Nature if we want life on Earth–including ours–to continue.
Trees: Our Planet’s Lifeline
It seems the treehuggers had it right. There is a lot to love about trees. Allow me to elaborate. Trees offer multiple benefits. Here are a few:
Store CO2 in Your Garden!
Can you store CO2 in your garden? Yes! Carbon gardening, a natural climate solution, is the latest trend in gardening. We can manage our properties to store CO2 by changing the way we garden.
EcoFest 2024!
Join us for the Second Annual Media EcoFest!
Food, music, and activities for kids & adults plus great resources from more than 30 local environmental and community groups!
How Important is Your Native Plant Garden?
How Important is Your Native Plant Garden? Very! Your native plants could mean the difference between life or death to birds, pollinators, and other insects—not to mention everything else further up the food chain.