The first time I saw a great black wasp on my mountain mint, I was mesmerized by its shiny black body and iridescent black/purple wings glowing in the sunlight. The […]
Protecting Biodiversity
Swamp Milkweed: Monarch Favorite
The milkweeds—swamp milkweed, common milkweed and butterfly weed—are excellent additions to the native plant garden. But in my opinion, swamp milkweed is the star of the milkweed show. Swamp milkweed […]
Cicada Killer Wasps: Scary-looking but Beneficial
They awaken each summer. From hidden burrows in the ground, they emerge to seek their prey. Each day the hunters tirelessly prowl their territories, pouncing without warning. They subdue each […]
If You Plant It, They Will Come
It’s true–if you plant it they will definitely come. What will come? Hummingbirds! In addition to delighting you, they will be a great learning opportunity for your kids. Here’s a […]
Are Deer Eating Your Native Plants?
The bane of every gardener is a herd of deer bent on eating your prize native plants. It’s so discouraging to have all that labor and money you invested eaten overnight! How […]
Unsung Pollinator Heroes
Did you know that we’re in the middle of Pollinator Week? Organized by the Pollinator Partnership, this is an international celebration of pollinators and a time to spread the word about pollinator protection. And while your thoughts might turn to honeybees, bumblebees, or butterflies, there is far greater diversity among pollinators in our area. Let’s get to know some of these unsung pollinator heroes.