Might this be the last year we see birds at our feeders or hear their lovely songs?
Protecting Biodiversity
Why We Need A Rights of Nature Law
The Rights of Nature law is an international movement that is gaining momentum. Many people are now realizing nature needs to be protected, because our lives depend on clean air, clean water, unpolluted land, and all the living things that make up the web of life.
Why Are Insects Important?
Why are insects important? Because they are vital to all life on this planet, including yours. E.O Wilson called insects the little things that run the world.
Media Everyone’s Home Ecosystem Garden Tour
Come learn from five Media Borough resident gardeners at the Everybody’s Home Ecosystem Garden Tour hosted by Transition Town Media and Media Borough’s Environmental Advisory Committee.
Protecting Our Solitary Bees
Protecting our native solitary bees is good environmental stewardship, because they are important pollinators. Solitary bees (a.k.a. ground nesting bees) include the many species of miner bees, leafcutter bees, cellophane […]
March in Your Native Plant Garden
What’s going on in March in your native plant garden? Not much. I know we’re all eager to get back to our gardens after languishing inside this winter, but resist the temptation to clean up too early.