Just when you thought you were doing the right thing, along comes more information regarding mistakes to avoid in choosing native plants. Hopefully, you haven’t loaded up your garden with the following three mistakes.
Protecting Biodiversity
What is Biodiversity? And why should we care?
I am privileged to be surrounded by nature in both my personal and professional lives. It’s a delight to find some new (to me) event or process unfolding outside: watching […]
Garlic Mustard: One Plant You Don’t Want in Your Garden
Garlic mustard is a stealthy and treacherous invasive plant bent on invading your garden to create a hostile environment for native plants. Those pretty flowers and charming heart-shaped leaves look […]
April 25 Native Plants for Biodiversity Webinar
On Sunday, April 25th, we hosted a virtual workshop about the benefits of native plants for our local biodiversity, and how to improve the habitat value of our properties. A […]
Saving Our Feathered Friends
How would you feel about never seeing these beautiful creatures again except in a museum? Unless we take action, this is a real possibility. This Spring I’m seeing and hearing […]