Are you aware of the high cost of food waste? In 2021, $310 billion (not a type-o) was spent on food that was wasted, most of which ended up in a landfill. But the cost of food waste is not the only consideration. Food waste also contributes to climate crisis. When food waste is dumped in landfills, it releases methane gas into the atmosphere, which is 80 times more harmful than CO2.
Why Native Plants?
Why native plants? That’s a very important question. Given our deteriorating ecosystems and declining bird and insect populations from human activity, we need to step up and help Nature repair the damage.
The Plastics Threat to Our Health
Are you aware of the plastics threat to our health? A recent study published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society found that disease and disability caused by chemicals in plastic cost the U.S. $250 billion dollars in health and economic losses. Meanwhile, chemical industry profits are $750 billion a year. Again, it’s a profit over people situation.
What’s Wrong with My Swamp Milkweed?
Have you wondered what is causing milkweed leaves in your garden to look diseased? The discoloration on the milkweed in the photo looks like a disease, but is actually caused by ground level ozone (GLO). GLO is a combination of pollutants emitted by cars, power plants, industrial boilers, chemical plants, and refineries.
Heat-related Illness: A Real Concern
Heat related illnesses are a real concern, especially since the Northeast is on track to experience more excessive heat in the near future. According to the CDC, there has been a sharp increase in heat-related deaths as climate crisis causes the world to warm.
Garlic Mustard: A Garden Menace
Once garlic mustard gets a roothold in your yard, you can kiss native plants goodbye. It kills natives by aggressively monopolizing light, moisture, nutrients and soil. It even secretes chemicals that kill soil organisms other plants need to grow.