Aegopodium (ee-guh-POH-dee-um) podagraria (pod-uh-GRAR-ee-uh), Bishop’s Weed, also called Goutweed, Goutwort, Ground Elder, Herb Gerard, English Masterwort, Wild Masterwort, Pigweed and Snow-in-the-Mountain, is an herbaceous perennial ground cover that grows 1 ½ […]
yardens blog
End of Season Gardening
The weather is slowing transitioning into those crisp mornings where you can see the subtle puffs of your breath and when the delicate frost ever-so-slightly graces the tips of the grass in […]
Yardens Tips: End of Season Gardening
The weather is slowing transitioning into those crisp mornings where you can see the subtle puffs of your breath and when the delicate frost ever-so-slightly graces the tips of the grass in […]