By Darcy Dedoes Costello “A bird doesn’t sing because it has the answer, it sings because it has a song” -Maya Angelou I’m not motivated to hang my clothes on […]
new reality
Observations on Transition Town Media’s FreeStore
By Rhonda Fabian Like others involved with the FreeStore, I have noted a wide range of reactions from friends and neighbors, from genuine interest to total boredom with the idea […]
Listening to Charles Eisenstein for the Umpteenth Time
by Frank Nuessle I had the good fortune to be in the audience at Pendle Hill on April 1st to hear Charles Eisenstein rap on what was on his mind […]
TTM’s Inner Transition Group–Blazing A Trail to A New Tomorrow
The Heart and Soul Group has changed its name to the Inner Transition Group to more accurately reflect our mission, which is to support each other as we come to […]
Finding Your Way to Transition
This is one of two TTM blog posts featured in the Monthly Roundup of What’s Happening in out in the World of Transition by Transition founder Rob Hopkins. It […]
Ending Business as Usual–Making Lifestyle Changes
The latest UN report on climate is devastating. Climate crisis is transforming the world more quickly than scientists had thought.