Do you remember a moment when you were so moved that you were at a loss for words? Please take a moment and be with that ‘you.’ That ‘you’ and […]
inner transition
Happiness Week 2015!
Mayor Bob McMahon has proclaimed Saturday, May 2nd through Saturday, May 9th Happiness Week! What better place to celebrate Happiness than Media PA! Of all the factors that have been shown to […]
The Need for Personal Resilience
As our world continues to unwind, the need for personal resilience becomes increasingly important. One of the steps to personal resilience is creating balance in your life–a balance between doing […]
Awakening to Our New Reality
We all want simple solutions to our current dilemma…buy a new “green” gadget, recycle, pass a law, hope that somebody else will solve it. The fact that climate change, economic […]
Must We Sacrifice to Save the Planet?
By Darcy Dedoes Costello “A bird doesn’t sing because it has the answer, it sings because it has a song” -Maya Angelou I’m not motivated to hang my clothes on […]
OUR MOVE TO MEDIA – Simplicity and its relationship to possessions, memory, freedom and the future.
By Paul Sheldon A post about moving and downsizing may seem mundane to Transition Town Media readers of Inner Transitions, but our recent move to Media has been a mindful […]