We are currently waiting for the final word on the approval or disapproval for construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and I’m feeling a bit like Erin Brockovich. This is […]
climate change
Becoming Climate Literate in America
An informed public understands the natural and human factors that affect climate, comprehends the potential large-scale impacts of climate change and considers responsibly the personal and societal choices that might […]
Food, Farms, Forests and Fracking
Starting today, not next year, we’ve all got to become climate hawks, forest protectors, anti-fracking activists, proponents of healthy and climate-friendly organic farming and ranching, and democracy activists, to break […]
Environmental Activist Sandra Steingraber, PhD
Sandra Steingraber, PhD, has devoted her life to advocating for the human right to a toxic free environment. In 2001, Steingraber received the Rachel Carson Leadership Award for her “outstanding […]
Committing to Climate Change Action
On Sunday, April 21, I hosted a screening of 350.org’s documentary film, Do The Math. The film made it clear that we are out of time for just talking about […]
The Time for Inaction Is Over
Medical professionals “call a code” in the event of a life-threatening emergency. A code requires all emergency personnel to respond immediately to participate in an all out effort to save […]