Here we are at 2020—a very auspicious year! It’s an exciting time—filled with the exciting possibilities of a new decade—but also a sobering one, given that science tells us that this decade is our last chance to get it right for our planet and our quality of life. Starting off our 11th year, we’re swarming with ideas, hopes, and agendas. Our Annual Planning Summit is where we sort it all out!
Want to learn more about Transition and what we plan to do this year? Join us for our Annual Planning Summit, Saturday, Feb 1st, 9AM–2:30PM. The morning session (9-11:30AM) will involve a short intro to Transition, a review of the year’s activities and achievements, and a visioning session to explore what kinds of projects and events we might want to take on. You’re welcome to listen in and join in, share any ideas you have that could make a difference. If you’re part of another organization or know of one that we should be connecting with, feel free to invite them too!
Lunch will be 11:30am-1pm, catered by Diego’s Mexican Cantina. Vegan, vegetarian and meat options will be available. We’ll be inviting some special guests to honor and thank them for their contributions to TTM over the years. Everyone is welcome.
Because we have such a broad spectrum of interest—creating a better future based on kindness and sharing, caring for our families and neighbors and the planet, lightening our footprint, and celebrating the abundance and joy inherent in our world—the possibilities are wide open. All it takes is someone with an idea and enough volunteers to take it on. Some topics that may be discussed include:
- increasing access to local food
- supporting local businesses, creating a thriving and just local economy
- decreasing our trash, getting to zero waste
- protecting our land and water
- having a more regional impact
- engaging younger generations
- exploring how our unconscious mindsets impact our actions
- supporting our FreeStore and helping create others
- helping to organize Media Open Streets
- supporting a Solarize Delco program
- raising awareness about our worsening climate crisis and planning emergency responses
- organizing our favorite events – Green Sunday Holiday Fair and Winter Solstice Celebration
- organizing other events, forums or dialogs, possibly in collaboration with other organizations
The afternoon session (1-2:30PM) will be the getting-down-to-work part. Only those who are committed to taking something on, working with us or collaborating on a project should stay. That’s when we’ll sort out what we have the resources and people-power to take on, so if you really want to see something happen, stick around for this part!
You can count on it being a fun, energizing, and inspiring day—and you just might find a project that sings to you! To summarize: please arrive by 8:30AM at the Media Borough Parlor Room, 301 N Jackson St, Media 19063. We’d like you to be able to register, help yourself to breakfast snacks and coffee or tea, and get settled in so we can start right at 9AM. We’ll serve lunch at 11:30AM—a buffet meal with meat, vegetarian & vegan dishes from Diego’s Cantina—and wrap up by 2:30PM (although by that time it’s usually hard to get people to leave, they’re so engaged in conversation!). Feel free to bring your own lunch and snacks if you prefer. The event, including lunch, is free—we don’t want anyone left out!
Please RSVP to [email protected] as soon as you can, so we know how much lunch to order and how many chairs to set out. Hope to see you there! Visit our event calendar for all the logistical details.
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