Kosmos Associates, a non-profit organization, in association with Transition Town Media and Pendle Hill Quaker Center in Wallingford, Pennsylvania, announce a regional Climate Summit to be held the weekend of Easter, Passover and Earth Day – April 20-23, 2019 in Media, Pennsylvania.
The Kosmos Climate, Consciousness, and Community Summit is a participatory investigation into how we can steward a resilient future on a radically changed planet Earth. We bring together influential climate thinkers, healers and change-makers for an interspiritual, engaged and inspiring journey of renewal and recommitment to our healthy future.
Themes of the Summit include:
- Facing climate reality and intersectionality
- Working with grief | Reconnecting to nature
- Renewing our resolve through community
- Resilience and appropriate response
Local Presenters and Facilitators:
- Local Economy Pioneer, Judy Wicks
- Buddhist/Quaker Facilitator, Valerie Brown
- Transition Town Resilience Leader, Martin Pepper
- Summit Convener, Rhonda Fabian
“At last, many of us are waking up to the realities of climate change and the related crises of economic disparity, species loss, and an increasingly politicized fossil fuel industry. This is a turning point for humanity – less about ‘what should I do?’, than ‘who am I, and how do I wish to show up at this time?’ Together we can learn to transform our fear into renewed resolve, to create communities of resilience and peace, and build the future our hearts long for.” – Rhonda Fabian
The intimate Summit, limited to 100 attendees, coincides with Findhorn Community’s CCC19 Conference in Northern Scotland, and will receive streamed Keynotes from Findhorn Community, including leading climate thinkers, Charles Eisenstein, Vandana Shiva, and Bill McKibben, among others.
As an official Hub of the Findhorn Conference, the April gathering will convene in the beautiful, thriving Transition Town of Media, Pennsylvania. Venues are easily walkable and wheelchair accessible. Early Bird pricing is $135 for the four-day conference, with day-passes and financial assistance available.
About Kosmos Associates and Kosmos Quarterly
Kosmos Associates is a non-profit publisher, in consultative status with the United Nations, committed to personal, social and global transformation in harmony with all Life. It publishes, Kosmos Quarterly, dedicated to its mission.
About TTM
Transition Town Media is part of a global movement to help communities become more self-sufficient, economically and socially vibrant, and enriched through personal connection.
About Pendle Hill
Pendle Hill is a Quaker, Philadelphia-area retreat and conference center which seeks to transform lives and foster peace with justice in the world.
Summit Convener Rhonda Fabian is an ordained Buddhist lay member in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. She is CEO of local educational company, Immediacy Learning for 30 years, and Editor of Kosmos Quarterly.
Learn more:
Program details – Register – Volunteer – Find accommodation
www.kosmosjournal.org/cccs [email protected] Call 267-235-7888
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