Bastille Day is a Media tradition. This is the third year that TTM has had an information table and craft activity for kids. It’s always a fun evening. Special thanks […]
TTM’s Internet Presence
If you follow TTM closely, you might be dizzied by the bevy of outlets we have on-line. We really aren’t looking to confuse you. Each place has its own purpose. […]
Happiness Week in Media, April 22-27, 2014
TransitionTown Media invites everyone – residents, families, business and civic leaders, schools, and organizations to participate in a new tradition – Happiness Week, a borough-wide celebration of happiness! We are […]
Our Happiness Index: Why measure?
Combining our Happiness Week celebration with a campaign to collect related data would enable new levels of strategizing, realizing and accounting for how the community is fulfilling and evolving its civic aspirations.
Join One of Our TTM Reskilling Workshops ~ 2014 Schedule
A world in transition requires new skills, many of which are old skills. We call it reskilling. Transition Town Media offers casual reskilling workshops in private homes in the Media […]
Go Take a Hike! With TTM’s Walk and Hike group!
The TTM walk/hike group, after a summer break, is getting under way again for the pleasant fall season. The first walk is planned for 10 AM on Saturday, September 14, along […]