Are you aware of the high cost of food waste? In 2021, $310 billion (not a type-o) was spent on food that was wasted, most of which ended up in a landfill. But the cost of food waste is not the only consideration. Food waste also contributes to climate crisis. When food waste is dumped in landfills, it releases methane gas into the atmosphere, which is 80 times more harmful than CO2.
climate change
Got Methane?
Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas that is 28-30 % more potent than CO2. That makes it a big concern. According to the UN’s Climate and Clean Air Coalition, “Reducing human-caused methane emissions is one of the most cost-effective strategies to rapidly reduce the rate of warming and contribute significantly to global efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. “
Thinking About an Electric Car?
If you are thinking about buying an electric car, you might be interested in my experience. I bought my Nissan Leaf 8 years ago and it’s still chugging along. It has been problem free and a joy to drive.
Renewable, Clean Energy is Suddenly Affordable for Everyone!
Have you been holding off on switching to renewable energy because of the costs? The time for affordable clean, renewable energy has arrived! One of the best ways to fight […]
Some Cool News in a Hot Summer
hyper-local study group where we look at carbon reduction strategies: building energy resilient households, preparing for disasters, and developing community projects. You can learn more about how the Cool Block program works here:
Rights of Nature: A Global Movement
Rights of Nature Law allows rivers, mountains, and ecosystems to have legal rights. The law addresses our dysfunctional economic system and the legal, social and political frameworks that are destroying people and planet. This movement changes our worldview from Nature as property to be owned to the right of Nature to be protected.