The weather is slowing transitioning into those crisp mornings where you can see the subtle puffs of your breath and when the delicate frost ever-so-slightly graces the tips of the grass in […]
Past Initiatives
Yardens Tips: End of Season Gardening
The weather is slowing transitioning into those crisp mornings where you can see the subtle puffs of your breath and when the delicate frost ever-so-slightly graces the tips of the grass in […]
Calling All Singers!
All are welcome to join the Winter Solstice Singers. Jazz great Aaron Graves is our choir director and pianist. All music will be available online. Please make at least 2 […]
Candlelight Gratitude Celebration Potluck Banquet
For the past three years, an ever-growing group of neighbors have participated in Transition Town Media’s Candlelight Gratitude Celebration. This community potluck banquet is designed to recognize and thank non-profit, […]
Solarize Greater Media Launch a Success!
TTM’s Energy Group held its first informational session on the new Solarize Greater Media campaign on Sat, October 24th at the Media Providence Friends School to a crowd of very engaged home-owners! If you weren’t able to attend, never fear – you’ll have more opportunities starting in January or you could look over the presentations and handouts we’ve posted.
Solarize and Save!!
What if you could get solar panels installed on your roof for less money and less hassle? What if someone else did all the research and found the best installers, got them to provide […]