Imagine what our town would be like if the streets of Media Borough were lined with fruit and nut bearing trees. Imagine if every yard and porch were brimming with […]
Environmental Commons
Join One of Our TTM Reskilling Workshops ~ 2014 Schedule
A world in transition requires new skills, many of which are old skills. We call it reskilling. Transition Town Media offers casual reskilling workshops in private homes in the Media […]
Seed Freedom event in September
Vandana Shiva is a hero. She and her organizations, Seed Freedom and Navdanya, have worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the dangers of corporate patenting of seeds and the loss […]
How Does Your Garden Grow?
by Eve M. By the time we moved in to our new house it was already the beginning of May. And since we had spent the previous 4.5 months in […]
Please Join the Initial Organizing Meeting for Reskilling Group Gatherings on Sunday, May 19th
Hey TTM-ers, Do you have a hobby? A skill? A craft? A passionate pursuit? Come share it with the new TTM Re-Skilling Working Group. We meet for the first time […]
Int’l Permaculture Day: May 5
We have a treasure in this town. Well, to be honest, we have quite a few of them, but sometimes it is a good idea to shine the light on […]