Join Transition Town Media for a rich and spirited celebration of the Winter Solstice on Sunday, Dec 17th, 2017, 7–9 pm, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, 145 W. Rose Tree Rd, Media. The evening will be a joyful and spirited evening with a unique blend of spiritual celebrants, the Solstice Choir, and a sizzling band!
Why celebrate solstice? Celebrating the natural shift from darkness to light helps cut through all the typical holiday commercialization and emotional roller-coastering to bring deeper meaning to the season. Celebrating our common natural rhythm transcends cultural differences by renewing our connections with each other and with the world around us.
Why celebrate solstice with TTM? Our Celebration will be especially deep and delightful this year. We have an African priestess/drummer/shaman Nana Korantemaa, whirling Sufi dervish Ibrahim Miari, amazing percussionists Jan Jeffries & Marcy Francis, magical gong player Katryn Lavanture, the Solstice Singers and band led by legendary Dave Posmontier.
Our theme this year is “Ubuntu,” the African belief that “I am because we are.” Come raise up body, mind and spirit!
Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at: Space is more limited this year—so it’s best to get your tickets early!
For more details about the Winter Solstice Celebration, please visit our website:, our Facebook event page:, or contact us at
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