Day 1 of our 2022 Annual Planning (Sat, Jan 22nd) was a wonderful experience with many familiar faces and several new ones. We successfully inducted Skip Shuda as our incoming president, showered appreciation on our members and got acquainted with our new friends, and brought out our well-fingered “seed catalog” to dream our 2022 garden into existence, brainstorming what seeds we want to put in the ground this year. This will culminate in our final session, Day 2, on Sat, Feb 5th (10am – 3pm).
In between Day 1 and Day 2, we’re setting up some mini Zoom sessions, focusing on particular “seeds” we’re considering. We have a few scheduled so far and will add others as we create them. Email us to join any or all of these sessions and we’ll send you the Zoom links!
Monday, Jan 24th, 7pm: Protecting Biodiversity / Native Plants. Please join this session to connect with community members who are passionate about native plant gardening. We are planning some exciting projects. Discover how you can contribute to protecting biodiversity. We welcome your ideas, too. It doesn’t matter if your contribution is small or large. Every action counts! If you’re interested in the Biodiversity seed session, let Marion know at [email protected]. She’ll send you the Zoom link. Registration is limited and it’s filling up fast!
Tuesday, Jan 25th, 7pm: Climate Emergency Declaration. Join this session to help create and disseminate a shared initiative/petition by environmental, educational and social justice organizations asking local elected leaders to publicly declare a climate emergency and implement policies which work toward carbon neutrality. If you’re interested in the Climate Emergency Petition seed session, let Linda know at [email protected]. We’ll send you the Zoom link.
Thursday, Jan 27th, 7pm: Emergency Preparedness / Foraging. Join this session to discuss Transition Town Media’s role in Emergency Preparedness and our Foraging group. Members of the Delco Citizen Corps are encouraged to join us to discuss how we can best support, educate around and integrate into local emergency management efforts. We can discuss the work that has already been done by TTM on this front and identify gaps for future work. On foraging, we’ll explore some possible topics and events for 2022. Led by Skip Shuda, member of TTM and the Delco Citizen Corps. If you’re interested in the Emergency Prep/Foraging seed session, let Skip know at [email protected]. We’ll send you the Zoom link.
Monday, Jan 31st, 7pm: Energizing / De-plasticizing Our Local Businesses. This may become two topics, so let us know if you’re interested in one or both. If the interest is split between them, we may start one at 7:30pm, allocating a half-hour each. The Energizing Local Businesses part involves enrolling Media local business and business property owners to solarize their business through a new C-PACE program that makes it financially enticing. De-plasticizing Local Businesses is a way to support Media businesses in finding affordable, ecologically friendly packaging to replace the plastic bags, containers, and straws that will soon be banned in the Borough. If you’re interested in the Energizing/De-plasticizing Our Local Businesses seed session, let Sari know at [email protected]. We’ll send you the Zoom link.
Saturday, Feb 5th, 10am: Day 2 / Final Annual Planning session. If you haven’t registered for Day 2 yet, please do so: Registration for Day 2, Sat Feb 5! This is when it all comes together. The morning session, starting at 10am, will include an overview of Transition’s vision and values (if you’ve been wondering what Transition is all about, this is a great way to find out!), followed by a year-in-review of TTM’s accomplishments in 2021 (sometimes, we even amaze ourselves!). After an offline lunch, we’ll resume with a run-through of the projects we’ve culled from our “seed catalog” and finally, we’ll decide on which projects we’ll take on, who will lead each one, and who will be on each team. We’ll end about 3pm. It’s an exciting and energizing day – a great way to start us off on the new year! We hope you’ll join us.
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