Starting today, not next year, we’ve all got to become climate hawks, forest protectors, anti-fracking activists, proponents of healthy and climate-friendly organic farming and ranching, and democracy activists, to break […]
climate disruption
The Time for Inaction Is Over
Medical professionals “call a code” in the event of a life-threatening emergency. A code requires all emergency personnel to respond immediately to participate in an all out effort to save […]
Spotlight on Our Climate
This week’s blog post is all about climate change, which is an immediate and grave threat to all life on Earth. The good news is that more and more people […]
Addressing Climate Change–A Moral Imperative?
Recent events–namely hurricane Sandy and the prolonged drought in our country–have finally brought the issue of climate change out in the open, where it has belonged for several decades. The […]
Moving from Adolescence to Adulthood in A World of Dwindling Resources
While we were busy being entranced by the glitzy age of cheap oil and easy money, we missed a very important fact. Our reality has changed. I know that is […]
Waking Up to Climate Disruption
What is keeping us from opening our eyes to what’s happening to our world? Why do we continue with the illusion that everything is fine while the world is falling […]