The TTM walk/hike group, after a summer break, is getting under way again for the pleasant fall season. The first walk is planned for 10 AM on Saturday, September 14, along Crum Creek behind Swarthmore College. We will meet at the rear of the College back parking lot (accessible by the back entrance off Elm Avenue) near the water tower. Walk is about a couple of miles, on somewhat hilly and narrow, but well established, trails. There are some beautiful plantings associated with the College and Scott Arboretum. Animals on a leash are permitted. Paul Sheldon will be the lead contact. If you think you will be participating, please sign up by emailing [email protected].
We are also going to try a simple, regularly-scheduled arrangement of weekly walks around Media. Beginning September 10, These will be a regular occurrence every Tuesday at 5:30 PM unless/until otherwise announced. Just show up at the Sheldon’s front porch, conveniently located at 443 W Baltimore Ave, and be ready for a walk of about an hour in whatever direction the walkers choose. Because of the central location, there are many options – walk in Glen Providence Park (almost in the Sheldon’s backyard, and also where you can park if Baltimore Ave seems full up), or along State Street, or go to the old Quaker cemetery by the corner of State and Providence Roads (a piece of history few are aware of), or walk in less-traveled (but historic) south Media, or walk to Middletown Memorial Park or to Elwyn (and Hillside Farm) if you wish a bit more of a walk. You can see that the possibilities are almost endless, as we can choose to go wherever the walkers wish to go that day. Please note: This walk might be canceled for weather or a conflict for the leader. We recommend that you email us to check if the walk is “a go”. To do so, email [email protected]. Paul will leave a note on the porch whenever a hike is canceled.
An October walk/hike is tentatively planned for 10 AM Saturday, October 26, at Smedley Park.
Check back here for information about future hikes. We will use this URL for hike schedule updates, so you can save it as a bookmark if you want.
As always, send your hike/walk questions and ideas to [email protected].
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