Peter Bane’s book, The Permaculture Handbook, speaks to the state of industrial agriculture, which is polluting our environment and depleting our soil.
Past Initiatives
Michael Was Right
In July, 2009, Michael Brownlee sent us home from our Transition Training with an urgent message about food. He told us to rapidly relocalize the food system in our communities […]
Joel Salatin Scolds America
It’s been a while since I’ve felt passionate about an issue, but I’m on fire after reading this article about our food system. Joe Salatin, a sustainable farmer in Virginia’s […]
Everything I Ever Really Needed to Know I Learned in Bang Phra
by Tam Mengine ca·ma·ra·de·rie/ˌkäm(ə)ˈrädərē/ Noun: Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. Synonyms: comradeship – fellowship – companionship – friendship) The […]
Update on Transition Town Media Happenings
How did it get to be the middle of April already? I guess I’ve had my nose in the Active Hope book for too long. Meanwhile, my garden is blooming […]
Taking on Monsanto, One Seed at a Time
by Tam Mengine It’s garden time. My little ones, aged 9 and 5 years, have grown up watching their dad build raised boxes of dirt in our small back yard, […]