Mark your calendars! We are gathering the tribe in March…the timebank tribe. On March 26th, from 6 – 9 pm, we will eat a pot-luck together and then some people, completely voluntary (!), will share stories about timebanking in our community. How has it helped them? How have they gotten their needs met? How have they discovered latent gifts and talents? If you have a story to share, please bring it and encourage others to join in on the fun. Coordinators will be on hand to answer questions, help you log-in to your account if you are new, help you find some offers to post and some requests to post. We all have unmet needs, but sometimes it takes just a little bit of discussion to tease it to the surface. So, if you are one of those people who says, “Well, I have things to offer, but I don’t really need anything,” we’ll help you find some creative ways to participate.
Please consider joining us. And bring a friend. There is always space for more!
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