We knew you cared about Media’s small businesses. We knew you’d like a great bargain. We just didn’t realize HOW MUCH!
Transition Town Media offered to pay 20% of every gift card purchased through the Media Proper registry site. We thought it would take a few days, if not a week, to run through the $2,500 we provided. Turns out, it took about 36 hours. You people are amazing! We barely managed to get the word out, but you were all over it in a heartbeat.

The good news is: The Media businesses collectively received over $12,500 as a result of the campaign. And it all happened in a day and a half. The question is: What if we work together to keep this success going?

One way to keep it going is to contribute to a gift card subsidy fund, where your dollars are multiplied by 5 for local small businesses. If you or your business or organization can afford to chip in to continue offering discounted gift cards, please email us at [email protected] and let us know: your name, organization name (if applicable), the amount of money you’d like to donate and a contact email or phone number. We’ll get back to you to work out the details.

With or without a discount, we hope that you’ll keep buying up gift cards like crazy. If we want our favorite businesses to thrive, now is the time to support them.
If you’d like to contribute in some other way, either directly to a business or two or to the Media Business Authority (MBA), let us know that as well. The MBA will be helping all the businesses with supplies such as masks, gloves, sanitizer, and signage, when the stores are allowed to start opening, so supporting them supports the businesses too.

Our deepest thanks go out to the website designers at Media Proper who put a lot of time and effort into making this campaign a great success. Thanks, too, to TTM volunteers Maureen McCafferty, Michal Curry, and Emma Medina-Castrejon, as well as the Media businesses, the MBA and VisitMediaPA for their help in organizing the campaign and getting the word out. And of course, thanks to each of you who bought cards before and during this campaign and those of you who will be contributing in the future.

Have any other ideas about how we can help take care of one another and support everyone’s wellbeing? Would you like to help make it happen? Let us know and let’s see what we can create together ([email protected])!
Here’s to joy, kindness, wellness and a great future for Media’s economy!
Nice article.