… it is immoral for society to continue on the path of ecological ignorance, over-consumption, and exponential growth. Dr. Elliott Campbell

We have been warned over and over by our scientists. We have been warned over and over by our fellow citizens who get it. We have been warned by island nations like the Maldives. We have been warned by prestigious journals like Scientific American. We did not listen. We continued business as usual.
At the 2009 Copenhagen Summit, President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives delivered a powerful speech in which he described his and other island nations’ predicament. We did not listen. And we continued with business as usual.
When will we listen? When Long Island is completely and permanently underwater? When New Orleans is devastated for the fifth time? When it is no longer possible to rebuild? When there are no trees left for wildfires to burn? When the drought in our country becomes a yearly occurrence? Or will it take an up close and personal disaster affecting each and every one of us?
Denial is not helpful. We cannot continue with business as usual if we want the planet and all of its life forms (including Homo sapiens) to survive.
I know, that’s not a comforting thought. And yet we need to think about it.
Does thinking about climate disruption overwhelm you to the point that you’re immobilized? Come to our Heart and Soul Group and learn how to cope. We understand. We can help. We’ve had our wake-up moment of horror and are moving beyond it into action.
Wondering what to do? Where to start? Stop flying. Drive less. Insulate your home. Surf the net to learn more. Check out 350.org. Watch this video. Talk to your neighbors! Try starting a neighborhood group to learn about climate change, become more resilient and support lifestyle changes. Join Transition Town Media and help our community become more resilient.
Every single action we take will help make a difference. And all those little actions add up.
So I ask again—When will we listen? It had better be NOW, because we have run out of time.
You can make a difference. Do it now.
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