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Media Open Streets is a day to relax and walk, bike, and play on some of Media’s residential streets (parts of Jackson, Third, and West) without worrying about car traffic. It will take place on Saturday, Sept 28, 2019 (rain date, Sunday, Sept 29), from

If your residence is on or near the streets indicated on the map below, you will be affected by road closures and parking restrictions on Sept 28 between 9AM and 3PM. Specifically, Jackson St will be closed to traffic from Fifth St to Third St; Third will be closed from Jackson St to West St, and West St will be closed from Third St down to Glen Providence Park (including the little bit of State St from West to the Park entrance). During the event, there will be no parking on the route indicated by the
A “No Parking” flyer will be distributed to all affected residents before the day of the event. Please read it carefully to be sure you are clear about the times and streets involved.
- There will be no parking on the event route (Jackson between Fifth and Third, Third between Jackson and West, West between Third and Glen Providence Park) from
9:30AM to3:30PM on Saturday, Sept 28, 2019. Please relocate your car by8 AM on Saturday, Sept 28th. - If you’re an early riser, plan to move your vehicle by 8AM. Otherwise, please move your vehicle on Friday.
- As a safety measure to protect the attendees, vehicles left on the event streets after
8 AM will be towed. The only exception will be the reserved residential handicapped spots. - We will have partial barriers at intersections one block from the route with signs that say “Road Closed—Local Traffic Only.” These are to indicate that you may drive into that block but that you won’t be able to go further. In lieu of your having to turn around and go back, the partial barrier is to inform you that your way will be blocked at the end of that street.
- You should not plan on being able to drive a vehicle across or onto the event route. We recommend that you park your vehicle on one of the cross streets on either side of the event route. If you must cross the event route that day in your car, there will be a designated intersection at Third and Lemon for north-south traffic. If you need to use this intersection, please wait until a volunteer marshal (we’ll have them at every intersection) tells you it’s safe to do so.
- For safest car travel during the event, we suggest you try to use Monroe St for north-south travel, and any street south of Third for east-west travel. If you are driving anywhere near the route, please use extra caution as there may be more people on foot near the event route.
- This is the second year for Media Open Streets! We’re planning a fun, family-friendly, healthy-lifestyle-promoting event, like last year’s. We hope you come out and enjoy it!
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