Explore the potential of hemp as a viable alternative natural resource—Taking a creative and engaging approach to raising awareness of all the benefits hemp has to offer, we are seeking and promoting ways to embrace hemp in our everyday lives.
We are united in our commitment to educate ourselves, and in turn, share that experience with others in an attempt to destigmatize this sustainable, resilient, diverse, and fundamental member of our ecosystem.
Part One—
The Hemp Study Group at Transition Town Greater Media [TTGM]
First up is an interview with Transition Town Greater Media’s President, Skip Shuda, and David Turner, of the Hemp Study Group. This discussion outlines what the Hemp Study Group is, and a brief summary of TTGM.
Revisit your favorite topics by jumping right to these times:
00:00—Dave Turner’s Intro to the Grant and Hemp Study Group Skip Shuda speaks about transition towns and Transition Town Greater Media
04:30—Skip describes some TTGM initiatives: Stories of foraging and community building; Circle of Aunts and Uncles, FreeStore
11:45—Hemp Study Group: Getting started via “Annual Planning”
12:15—David’s Journey into the Hemp Plant
15:20—What is Hemp?—2018 Farm Bill—Definition of Hemp
17:15—Hemp as Protein: making food
19:15—Hemp Study Group: engaging the community
20:20—Introduction to HSG Podcast Episodes
21:20—Hemp as a textile: Table Coverings
22:30—Hemp as a sustainable natural resource
23:50—A cabin in the woods: Hempcrete as a construction material
28:30—Climate Change and making changes in your own neighborhoods
31:20—Coming down the pike: future podcast episodes & future HSG activities
38:50—How does Transition Town scale?
44:55—TTGM Gratitude Event

Part Two—
Everyday Uses for the Hemp Plant
This is a Hemp Product showcase. David and DeAnna Turner discuss the benefits of using Hemp as a sustainable resource across many mainstream product lines including food, textiles, plastics, paper, health and beauty, and building materials. The video gives you an idea as to the wide range of products that are currently available in the marketplace.
Revisit your favorite topics by jumping right to these times:
05:41 Hemp Food
13:04 Hemp Health & Beauty; Everyday Products
18:34 Hemp Textiles & Fabrics
27:11 Hemp Natural Resources

Part Three—
Cannabis 101
This video features an educational conversation between David Turner (TTGM Hemp Study Group), Andrea Sparr Jaswa (Thomas Jefferson University) and William Brown (WbC Therapeutics). The discussion focuses on the medicinal and therapeutic consumption of Cannabis. Our experts will walk you though the Endocannabanoid system and how Cannabis effects homeostasis. Listen and learn about the benefits and risks as well as how to properly dose and consume cannabis as medicine.

Part Four—
Adult Use Hemp
This video is an discussion with Andrea Sparr Jaswa of Thomas Jefferson University. In this episode we take a deep dive into various Hemp derived cannabanoids such as Delta 8, HHC, THC O and THC P.

Part Five—
Hemp Microgreens
This interview with Andre Cox, of Deep Run Hemp, in Perkasie, PA covers nutritious hemp microgreens. Andre tells us why hemp microgreens are nutritionally considered a superfood—how he grows them, and how you can grow them at home with his new technique.

Part Six—
David sits down with Cameron McIntosh from Americhanvre Cast Hemp. Cameron takes a deep dive into sustainable and healthy building materials. In this episode you will find links and learn how hemp can help make for a healthier home!

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