TTM Yardens Gardening Club will begin with traditional gardening by helping the Borough of Media and local churches with their landscape projects. Eventually, the club would like to spread the seeds of foodscaping and yardening, which is incorparting edible plants in landscapes, throughout the whole community
During college, Kathy worked as a horticulturist’s assistant at: Winterthur Gardens, the City of Newark, DE, and the Penn Botany Garden. She has a lot of horticultural experience to share.

She is eager to teach proper pruning, and also the proper planting of woody plants such as trees, shrubs and vines, which are notoriously planted too deep in the USA, then heaped high with too much mulch. Many Americans just don’t know the secrets of the Yardeners! Join Kathy on the second Saturday of each month to help spread the good news.
When: Each second Saturday morning from 8-10 AM in the Plum Street Mall unless otherwise posted.

The next meeting will be September 12, 2015. Contact Kathy through this form to RSVP and verify the meeting place. [contact-form to=’[email protected] ‘ subject=’I would like to join Club Yardens’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
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