On December 23, 2021 the Circle of Aunts and Uncles met with the management team at the Internet radio station, CMPRadio.net, to provide a low interest, $12,000 loan for podcasting equipment and support for youth education. Founded by Jean-Pierre Brice in 2017, CMPRadio’s team of volunteers provides the Chester, PA area with a voice for the community. CMPRadio provides information and support for community conversations, personal support development, and coverage of local community and sporting events.

CMPRadio was seeking mobile podcasting equipment so they can help teach students about modern media production and podcasting services. In addition, the podcasting equipment will allow the radio station to continue to operate while podcasting services are provided on site. The mobile podcasting equipment will provide new business opportunities for CMPRadio as well. The Aunts and Uncles loan will cover the cost of the equipment as well as some marketing support.
Jean-Pierre coined the term CMP Radio for “Cultivating Mature Positivity” after he realized that many early lessons he learned growing up on the streets of Chester were not serving him well in his life. He committed to bringing a positive attitude to his community by helping those who are suffering with a message of acceptance and healing and by providing education to address the day-to-day challenges of his community. CMPRadio also brings local sports, music, and other entertainment to a rapidly growing community of listeners. If you are a business that would like to advertise on CMPRadio.net or would like to bring a regular broadcast-style program to the Chester area, please contact the station at:
email: [email protected]

The Media Circle of Aunts and Uncles was founded three years ago to provide support – both financial and educational – to small businesses that don’t have easy access to capital or professional guidance. “Many people don’t have that aunt, uncle or family friend who can help finance a dream, provide direction on business building or act as a sounding board on meeting business challenges,” said Media Circle of Aunts and Uncles Founder, Sari Steuber. The Circle is actively seeking small businesses that could benefit from this support as well as donors who can provide funding or expertise to businesses.
You can contact The Media Circle of Aunts and Uncles at:
[email protected]
The Media Circle of Aunts and Uncles is a project of Transition Town Media.
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